Thursday, 3 April 2014

I'm Miley Surprised when reading the FT.

Well at first I  was going to show you this:

But then I saw this and if there was ever something I thought would never happen it would be finding Miley Cyrus on the front cover of the Financial Times (the online cover at least)! Yes you read that correctly - the FT has Miley Cyrus on their front page.  

Briefly summarising,  the young lady involved has a few concerts booked in a Helsinki venue owned by 3 Russians who appear on the recent US sanctions list; making it a little tricky to complete financial transactions between the concert organisers and venue.  

 If you have signed up to the FT website you can read it here:

Or the entire article will appear in our newspaper database, Newsbank, soon (there is a slight time delay). 

Or head on over to Level 1 of the library where we have the hard copy on our newstand.

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