Monday, 20 January 2014

City Business Library

Happy belated new year!  One of my resolutions was to post to this blog more regularly, I may be off to a slow start but hopefully you should start to see more items posted over the next few months.  

One useful resource I found out about at the end of last year was the City Business Library in London.  As a public library is free to use, has loads of useful current business information (with some overlap with us) but also offers a calendar of great workshops, usually only for £5 each.    For example those with resolutions including updating those CVs, starting job hunts or learning how successful companies do it, attending one of these might just make the difference.

The events calendar can be found here:

Their website is here: City Business Library and I thought their resources would be useful especially to those of you living in London and commuting up to Luton but also it is less than an hour to get there from Luton so might be worth a visit even if you are based locally.

If you do make use of it perhaps you'd like to let me know whether you would recommend the library and its services and whether you learnt anything whilst you were there?